Allows for the point of a bank stick to convert to a 90deg joint.
Accepts up to 13mm bank sticks
62mm deep
304 Stainless Steel
Allows for the socket of a bank stick to convert to a 90deg joint.
Accepts up to 13mm bank sticks
Standard 3/8" BSF thread
Here are just some examples of the possibilities.
Please note bank sticks alarms and rest are NOT included here for sale but are available separately in out eBay store.
Ultimate 6 rod setup made with; 5x Male Adaptors 5x Female Adaptors 10x Bison Pocket Bank Sticks 3x 30-50 Bank Sticks 2x 50-90 Bank Sticks 3x 2 rod goal post buzz bars 2x 3 rod standard buzz bars
We'd like to see your creations email them to ${email} the best will recieve some Bison SS goodies.